Dongguan Paishing Conducts Workplace Business Etiquette Training

ADDTIME:2019-05-18VIEW:2018AUTHOR:Paishing Technology

The magnificent China, with a history and civilization of five thousand years, is known as the state of etiquette in Xu. China has always attached great importance to etiquette education. Since the Zhou Dynasty, there has been the "Zhou Li". Confucius, the great sage of the Spring and Autumn period, was the founder of etiquette. After entering feudal society, etiquette remains very important. The central administrative agency has six departments: officials, households, etiquette, soldiers, punishment, and labor, with the etiquette department accounting for one of them. In modern society, under the conditions of today's market economy, with rapid economic development, business dealings have become increasingly frequent. Workplace etiquette is particularly important in business activities and external communication of enterprises. Therefore, we must master certain workplace etiquette.

The saying goes: "If a person is not polite, they will not stand, and if a thing is not polite, they will not succeed. In the workplace, etiquette and politeness are both the "lubricants" of interpersonal relationships, which can effectively reduce friction between people. For example, harmonious coexistence with colleagues also requires etiquette. Elegance and generosity can deepen friendship and increase goodwill. Communication with colleagues must pay attention to language etiquette, which can create a harmonious and friendly interpersonal environment.

If colleagues have harmonious relationships, they will feel happy at work every day, which is conducive to the smooth progress of work and thus promotes career development. Workplace etiquette maximizes the avoidance of interpersonal conflicts in work, making interpersonal communication a very enjoyable experience. Good workplace etiquette can create a good atmosphere for communication and lay a solid foundation for corporate cooperation; On the contrary, it may cause adverse effects and huge losses to the enterprise, and the business of both parties is likely to be destroyed in small details of workplace etiquette.

On May 18, 2019, the "Workplace Business Etiquette" series of courses at Paishing Business School successfully began. Teacher Feng Yan gave a wonderful speech to everyone and learned through on-site interaction, with good results.